
About me

Who is ATR – Above The Reserve.

“Renowned Corporate Franchise Recruitment expert for the Real Estate and Mortgage Broking industries, Jerome Smith, has launched his new venture - Above The Reserve Auction Services.

Alongside his recruitment success, Jerome has also called in excess of 2500 auctions and is one of the most sought-after Auctioneers in South-Western, Western, North-West Sydney, The Hills District and across the Sydney Basin.

Most recently, as the Head of Franchise Recruitment at Mortgage Choice 2020-2121, Jerome was in charge of growing the footprint of 41 new franchises across Australia to deliver the most recruitment growth that Mortgage Choice has achieved in over 7 years.

The exciting launch of Above The Reserve Auction Services sees Jerome following his passion for calling auctions, smashing reserves and changing lives.

In a market where agents and principals want the right Auctioneer to help them achieve the highest and best sale for their vendor, Jerome stands ahead of the pack. Bringing a unique level of energy and tenacity to his auctions, Jerome distinguishes his offering by ensuring a continuous involvement in the campaign with the agent, agency and vendor to capture the very best from the auction process.

With COVID lockdowns sporadically influencing the way auctions can be run, Jerome has shown his outstanding capacity to adapt and successfully facilitate sales via the online auction process. Stay tuned, for the indelible mark Above The Reserve Auction Services is going to leave on Sydney.

Come wind, come rain, come Above The Reserve.”